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With insightful and irreverent musings on politics, religion, sex, and porn, there’s something for cheap to pay for his porn? Then just jerk off to his him or hate him, his epic rants and insider knowledge of the industry will always keep you entertained…or disgusted (sometimes he talks about first I was very annoyed by his endless (and I mean ENDLESS) stream of answers to fan questions via “” (a.k.a. [Other to follow: for the pretentious opinions, stay for the obscure references to random scientists and authors! I’m kidding (kind of), of course, and actually agree with most of what Conner is tweeting about, so long as I understand it. Must of Twitter lost his password for his old account, but don’t worry, he started a new one. Which gay porn star Twitter accounts are real and which gay porn star Twitter accounts are being run by impostors? Who is the most annoying gay porn star on Twitter? Who has the most followers? Who should just delete their account? Who has fallen off the face of the Earth? All that and more in Str8UpGayPorn’s handy guide to Gay Porn Stars on Twitter.

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